Truck Driver Distracted By Tiktok Sentenced To Jail

Truck Driver Distracted By Tiktok Sentenced To Jail
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A truck driver who killed five people in Arizona last year.

When he caused a six-vehicle crash while distracted by watching TikTok videos.

He has been sentenced to two and the half years in prison.

Danny Tiner, a 38 year old truck driver was on tiktok when the the crash occurred in January 12, 2023.

The accident occurred on Interstate 10 in Chandler, Arizona.

While Tiner survived, five others were killed at the scene from the pileup.

Which sandwiched two cars between another semi-truck.

Tiner, who was arrested in June 2023, was slammed with five counts of negligent homicide.

He pleaded guilty to all counts.

On August 19, 2024, the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office announced that Tiner was given a 22-and-a-half-year prison sentence.

However, he will receive a 415-day bereavement for the time he has already spent in jail.

During the time of the accident, the truck driver was speeding upwards of 68MPH in a 55MPH construction zone.

Officials said that Tiner admitted he had received a notification on his tablet.


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